December 08, 2018 – The last day of the 4th International Health Congress commenced with the third Plenary talk on “Transforming Nursing, Impacting Human Health Today and Techonology Compentency in Nursing” by Rozzano Locsin, RN, PHD, FAAN (Professor of Nursing, Tokushima University Japan). In his presentation, he said that the role of research in transforming health care delivery system has been a prime concern in achieving good health. Accordingly, research provides evidences to ensure that the culture of health is imbibed in the lives of everyone to live healthier at present and in the future.

He emphasized the use of technology in providing care to patients. He pointed out the dimensions of technologies in health care such as, first, technology as completer of human beings to re-formulate the ideal human being such as replacement parts, either mechanical (prostheses) or organic (transplanted organs). Second, technology as machine technologies that enhances nursing activities to provide quality patient care such as RIBA or a robotic arm that performs bed bath or Penelope and Da Vinci in the OR. Lastly, technology that mimic human beings and human activities that meet the demands of patient care. Yet, he mentioned too that there is always a responsibility to something that human beings created.

After the plenary talk, concurrent sessions on Public Health were held in the Plenary hall with topics on: Unseasoned Blossoms in the Cordillera: A Phenomenology of Teenage Motherhood; Teenage Pregnancy Risk Assessment of a Public High School in Tuguegarao City; Intrinsic Values of Integrating Ontology with Knowledge Management Processes: an Exploratory Study from Health Care’s Perspective; Knowledge, Perception, and Attitudes of Lay Volunteers toward Death and Dying; Impact of Nutrition Program to Food Insecure Households. These researchers were discussed by local and international graduate students of the university.

Further, sessions focused on Health Science such as Caring Behavior of Indonesian Nurses towards an Enhanced Nursing Practice, Proposed Indonesian Clinical Assessment Tool (In-CAT) For Student Nurses; Selected Region V Indonesian Nursing Schools’ Performance on the National Nursing Competency Test; Work Readiness to be an Ambulance Nurse among Nursing Graduates in Indonesia; Development and Validation of a Tool to Assess the Indonesian Novice Community Health Nurses’ Competencies were discussed by the Indonesian post-graduate students. There were exchange of ideas or queries among the presenters and also the audience during the session.

Moreover, more presentations were discussed on Alternative Health Care. Researches such as Influence of Music Therapy & Deep Breathing Exercise towards Pain, Pulse Frequency, Breath Frequency of Lung Cancer Patients; Antibacterial and Wound Healing Property of Dillenia Indica Linn Fruit and Leaf Extracts in Sprague Dawley Rats; Laboratory and Semi-Field Evaluation of the Molluscicidal Effect of Swietenia Mahogani Linn. Seeds and Bark Extract Against Pomacea caniculata were discussed and gave the session attendees in Review Room 2 more encouragement to produce more researchers as such in the same field

In addition to the presentations in the concurrent sessions were researches conducted by the BSN graduating students. Their topics focused on varied areas of interest particularly in community and clinical nursing settings. The studies discussed were, Compliance Following BPJS Chronic Disease Management Program with Blood Sugar Stability among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesia Diamen Barigas BPJS Health Club; Utilization and Satisfaction Level on Public Healthcare Services among Elderly, Level of Satisfaction of Patients on the Use of Call Lights System in a Private Hospital in Tuguegarao City; Use of LED Flashlights to Facilitate the Infusion of Children in Dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital; Pregnancy Risk Assessment Scores of Select Teenagers in a Public High School in Tuguegarao City; Lived Experiences of Male Nurses in the Delivery Room; Cultural Competence of Nurses in Tuguegarao City; Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Student Nurses of St. Paul University Philippines on Community Health Nursing; Faith Maturity and Spiritual Care Competence of Nurses in Tuguegarao City.

In the closing program, Dr. Jeremy Godofredo Morales, the Congress Executive Chairman, gave the synthesis for the three-day Health Congress. He expressed his gratitude to all the speakers, delegates both local and international, the SPUP Academic Community, the SPC Sisters, Graduate School, School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences Dean, Associate Deans, faculty, staff and students and the other members of the working committee who shared their time and effort for the success of the 4th International Health Congress.

After the closing program, pilgrimage and heritage tour to the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat, Calvary Hills, Callao Caves in Penablanca, Cagayan were organized for the delegates.