St. Paul University Philippines


St. Paul University Philippines



February 18, 2024
The World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI) held its 19th International Conference on February 11–16, 2024 at Hotel Cinquentenario in Fatima, Portugal. The WCCI International Board, organized this biennial gathering to promote person-to-person contact and transnational educational experiences and exchanges through collaboration and partnership from educators and practitioners around the world.
With the theme: “Transforming Our World: The Role of Education in Global Sustainability,” the said international convergence was participated in by delegates from Portugal, Hungary, Turkey, India, United States of America, Dominican Republic, and the Philippines. The SPUP delegation of administrators was led by Sr. Merceditas Ang, SPC (University President). With her were Dr. Agripina Maribbay (Vice President, Academics), Dr. Jeremy Godofredo Morales (Director, Internationalization), Dr. Rosalinda Tanguilan (Director, Knowledge and Information Resource Network), Dr. Juana Rivera (Director, Human Resource), Dr. Teresita Lasam (Director, Student Affairs and Services), Dr. Allan Peejay Lappay (Director, Alumni, External Relations and Advocacies), Dr. Zenaida Estil (University Registrar), Dr. Inicia Bansig (Dean, Graduate School), Dr. Pilar Acorda (Dean, School of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education), Dr. Emolyn Iringan (Associate Dean, Graduate School), and Mrs. Belen Lim (Coordinator, Entrepreneurship and Employment Center/Auditor, SPUP Alumni Association, Inc.).
The international conference also featured research presentations along Teacher Education, Peace Education, Social Justice, Environment Sustainability and Educational Technology. Participants from SPUP who joined the roster of presenters along with their studies were Dr. Bansig (Technology-Enhanced Instruction in the Graduate School), Dr. Iringan (Practices on Ethno-Mathematics in the Philippines), Dr. Maribbay (Enhancing The Teaching Competencies of Teacher Education Faculty Through the Global Teacher Education Training Program), and Dr. Lappay (Cultivating Care for Creation Along SPUP’s Environmental Core Values) Moreover, plenary sessions tackled the following topics: Bandwidth of Recovery: Cognitive Overload Due to Poverty, Racism, Social Marginalization and Life Stressors by Dr. Charlotte Royeen (Dean, Rush University, USA) and Reshaping Education for a Sustainable World by Dr. Maria Jose Souza (Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
The conference also had Special Interest Group (SIG) discussions on Social Transformation, Global Citizenship, Environmental Education, and Peace Education, cultural presentations, and local tour in Lisbon. The SPUP delegates also had the opportunity to do a pligrimage in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima. They also served in various capacities that contributed to the success of the international conference: Organizers and Members of WCCI International Board (Sr. Merceditas and Mrs. Lim), Conference Secretariat (Dr. Lappay), SIG facilitators (Dr. Morales and Dr. Maribbay), Registration Committee (Dr. Rivera, Dr. Bansig, and Dr. Tanguilan), Technical Assistance Committee (Dr. Estil and Dr. Acorda), and SIG reporters (Dr. Lasam and Dr. Iringan).

By Dr. Allan Peejay Lappay

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